Unfortunately, Duncan was very fearful at the shelter. He scared people with his intense border collie eyes and growling. When the shelter folks realized he couldn't be adopted out directly, our human brought him home. We were dubious at first--especially Theo--but we've come around to accepting him. Still, we're just helping along until he goes to his forever home. Prospective adopters can inquire about him through the Delaware SPCA.

Duncan's done a great job learning house rules, and he totally fits in now. He's even become better about meeting new people and other dogs. He can still be kinda scary, but only because he's very vocal. He talks big, but we know he's really an okay guy. He's also really fast and has springy feet! The human thinks he'd be a great agility dog for someone!
Look at us, we're the Collie Crew!!
It's Collie overload! Maybe you need a Teacup Saint Bernard to add a bit of variety. Duncan is sure a sweetie pie. Glad to hear he is adjusting well.
Squatters of the world UNITE! I think I'm probably as fast as you, Duncan.
Otis the POTUS
so many cookie faces i don't know which one to eat first- :)
Duncan you're in the right place. now be good! and mind your new brudders.
How sad! I'm sure his people are happy to know that he has a great new home with lots of friends! You are very wonderful people!
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