Can a wayward husky learn the ways of the world from a pack of herding dogs? We'll find out! Foster bro Lucky's finally getting some quality play time with (half) the pack. We got a ways to go, but he's doing great! Might help if he stopped for a minute and let some lessons sink in.
But it's been a beautiful autumn so far, so what more can we ask for?
Our blog, originally a sabbatical, roadtrip journal... now simply the musings of seven herding dogs on "play" vs. "work," compensating for human shortcomings, and, occasionally, the perplexing human activity called Art...
Jackson, why such a keen interest in the new guy? I thought you loved ME. --OBST
What's wrong with his eyes? Ethel.
Why is his head so tiny? Otis.
Does he have a girlfriend? Sophie
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