07 July 2007

Artist Point

Do artists have points? We're never sure... Our artist thinks he does, but we find that he's often confused. Imagine our surprise to see on a map a place called Artist Point. Well, it exists on the map anyway, at the end of the Mt. Baker Scenic Highway (aka highway 542). We didn't get to see it, though, because the road was closed. Can you imagine road closures in July because of snow? Pretty awesome, huh?! The promise of the scenic byway was completely fulfilled: absolutely spectacular, even though we didn't get all the way to Artist Point. We did get as far as the ski area, however, and that was already pretty awesome. We loved the snow!!! And there was tons of it! Imagine our silly human running around in shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals on huge banks of snow! And always Narra gets to do the fun stuff. She went out onto the real snow, even got to run and play. There were tons of people, too, though, and dogs, so the boys bided their time in the van. They got to walk around eventually, just not on the paths and slopes where everyone else was. Still, we all thought it was the most fun--and most beautiful--part of our roadtrip so far (sorry, Montana, but we do love you).

Oh, back to the point... we kinda feel like little Oblio and Arrow--it's all good. :)

1 comment:

wally said...

I'm so jealous--I could use a little roll in the snow about now. It is 95 outside. Do you think we could get one of those artificial snow machines and make piles and piles of frosty paws?


ps. Does anyone in academics have a point?